Place image
4WD Difficult Public


GRADING: 4WD, Difficult.

TIME: Ten days.

DISTANCE: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

LONGEST DISTANCE WITHOUT FUEL: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

BEST TIME OF YEAR: April to October.

PERMITS AND FEES: A permit is required from the Central Land Council.

MAPS: Hema’s Great Desrt Tracks Simpson Desert Map.


From Mount Dare head north towards Old Andado, crossing the Finke River along the way. After Old Andado the track heads north then east through Mac Clark (Acacia Peuce) Conservation Reserve. 

The first of Madigan’s camps is on private land so Camp 1a was created on the main track. As you head across the desert you’ll be looking for small plaques on star pickets that were placed to show the locations of Madigan’s camps by Owen Correa Outback Expeditions in 1994. Camps 2, 3 and 4 are no longer accessible to the public, so the route bypasses these and heads directly to Camp 5, near the intersection with the Colson Track.

East of Camp 7 is where the dunes become trickier, and it’s a good idea to deflate the vehicle’s tyres even further at this point. As you head east across the northern Simpson Desert there is little to interrupt your views of the red sands. While this trek was once a purely

cross-country route between the noted GPS positions for Madigan’s camps, the track has become more defined over recent years. However, in places, particularly between camps 7 and 13, it is still often not clearly visible, especially early in the season.

The track becomes more defined as you hit the eastern end, particularly where it joins the Hay River Track (see Track 71). At Camp 15 the Hay River Track heads north to Batton Camp and Jervois Station on the Plenty Highway, and south to Camp 16. At Madigan’s Blaze Tree turn east becoming as the track becomes less well-used crossing the NT/QLD border, heading across Munga-Thirri National Park.

As the track passes Camp 19 and leaves the Park, track conditions become easier for the run southeast towards Birdsville. On the way south it passes Camp 20, Camp 21 and the ruins of Annandale Station before reaching Camp 22 – the last one that is accessible to the public.

From this point, it’s a run down Eyre Creek to the QAA Line (see Track 70) for a visit to Big Red on the way into Birdsville.


Dr Cecil Thomas Madigan led a scientific expedition across the Simpson Desert in 1939. His party of nine men and 19 camels left the remote homestead of Old Andado on June 4 and, after considerable hardship, arrived safely in Birdsville on July 6. He named the desert after Allen Simpson, who was then president of the South Australia branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. Madigan’s book, Crossing the Dead Heart, is interesting reading that can add a lot to your experience. 

In 1975, Denis Bartell began a series of more than 40 adventures that included the first vehicular crossing of the Madigan Line. Bartell was the one responsible for giving Nappanerica Dune the nickname ‘Big Red’.

Place image
4WD Difficult Public


GRADING: 4WD, Difficult.

TIME: Ten days.

DISTANCE: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

LONGEST DISTANCE WITHOUT FUEL: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

BEST TIME OF YEAR: April to October.

PERMITS AND FEES: A permit is required from the Central Land Council.

MAPS: Hema’s Great Desrt Tracks Simpson Desert Map.


From Mount Dare head north towards Old Andado, crossing the Finke River along the way. After Old Andado the track heads north then east through Mac Clark (Acacia Peuce) Conservation Reserve. 

The first of Madigan’s camps is on private land so Camp 1a was created on the main track. As you head across the desert you’ll be looking for small plaques on star pickets that were placed to show the locations of Madigan’s camps by Owen Correa Outback Expeditions in 1994. Camps 2, 3 and 4 are no longer accessible to the public, so the route bypasses these and heads directly to Camp 5, near the intersection with the Colson Track.

East of Camp 7 is where the dunes become trickier, and it’s a good idea to deflate the vehicle’s tyres even further at this point. As you head east across the northern Simpson Desert there is little to interrupt your views of the red sands. While this trek was once a purely

cross-country route between the noted GPS positions for Madigan’s camps, the track has become more defined over recent years. However, in places, particularly between camps 7 and 13, it is still often not clearly visible, especially early in the season.

The track becomes more defined as you hit the eastern end, particularly where it joins the Hay River Track (see Track 71). At Camp 15 the Hay River Track heads north to Batton Camp and Jervois Station on the Plenty Highway, and south to Camp 16. At Madigan’s Blaze Tree turn east becoming as the track becomes less well-used crossing the NT/QLD border, heading across Munga-Thirri National Park.

As the track passes Camp 19 and leaves the Park, track conditions become easier for the run southeast towards Birdsville. On the way south it passes Camp 20, Camp 21 and the ruins of Annandale Station before reaching Camp 22 – the last one that is accessible to the public.

From this point, it’s a run down Eyre Creek to the QAA Line (see Track 70) for a visit to Big Red on the way into Birdsville.


Dr Cecil Thomas Madigan led a scientific expedition across the Simpson Desert in 1939. His party of nine men and 19 camels left the remote homestead of Old Andado on June 4 and, after considerable hardship, arrived safely in Birdsville on July 6. He named the desert after Allen Simpson, who was then president of the South Australia branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. Madigan’s book, Crossing the Dead Heart, is interesting reading that can add a lot to your experience. 

In 1975, Denis Bartell began a series of more than 40 adventures that included the first vehicular crossing of the Madigan Line. Bartell was the one responsible for giving Nappanerica Dune the nickname ‘Big Red’.

Place image
4WD Difficult Public


GRADING: 4WD, Difficult.

TIME: Ten days.

DISTANCE: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

LONGEST DISTANCE WITHOUT FUEL: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

BEST TIME OF YEAR: April to October.

PERMITS AND FEES: A permit is required from the Central Land Council.

MAPS: Hema’s Great Desrt Tracks Simpson Desert Map.


From Mount Dare head north towards Old Andado, crossing the Finke River along the way. After Old Andado the track heads north then east through Mac Clark (Acacia Peuce) Conservation Reserve. 

The first of Madigan’s camps is on private land so Camp 1a was created on the main track. As you head across the desert you’ll be looking for small plaques on star pickets that were placed to show the locations of Madigan’s camps by Owen Correa Outback Expeditions in 1994. Camps 2, 3 and 4 are no longer accessible to the public, so the route bypasses these and heads directly to Camp 5, near the intersection with the Colson Track.

East of Camp 7 is where the dunes become trickier, and it’s a good idea to deflate the vehicle’s tyres even further at this point. As you head east across the northern Simpson Desert there is little to interrupt your views of the red sands. While this trek was once a purely

cross-country route between the noted GPS positions for Madigan’s camps, the track has become more defined over recent years. However, in places, particularly between camps 7 and 13, it is still often not clearly visible, especially early in the season.

The track becomes more defined as you hit the eastern end, particularly where it joins the Hay River Track (see Track 71). At Camp 15 the Hay River Track heads north to Batton Camp and Jervois Station on the Plenty Highway, and south to Camp 16. At Madigan’s Blaze Tree turn east becoming as the track becomes less well-used crossing the NT/QLD border, heading across Munga-Thirri National Park.

As the track passes Camp 19 and leaves the Park, track conditions become easier for the run southeast towards Birdsville. On the way south it passes Camp 20, Camp 21 and the ruins of Annandale Station before reaching Camp 22 – the last one that is accessible to the public.

From this point, it’s a run down Eyre Creek to the QAA Line (see Track 70) for a visit to Big Red on the way into Birdsville.


Dr Cecil Thomas Madigan led a scientific expedition across the Simpson Desert in 1939. His party of nine men and 19 camels left the remote homestead of Old Andado on June 4 and, after considerable hardship, arrived safely in Birdsville on July 6. He named the desert after Allen Simpson, who was then president of the South Australia branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. Madigan’s book, Crossing the Dead Heart, is interesting reading that can add a lot to your experience. 

In 1975, Denis Bartell began a series of more than 40 adventures that included the first vehicular crossing of the Madigan Line. Bartell was the one responsible for giving Nappanerica Dune the nickname ‘Big Red’.

Place image
4WD Difficult Public


GRADING: 4WD, Difficult.

TIME: Ten days.

DISTANCE: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

LONGEST DISTANCE WITHOUT FUEL: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

BEST TIME OF YEAR: April to October.

PERMITS AND FEES: A permit is required from the Central Land Council.

MAPS: Hema’s Great Desrt Tracks Simpson Desert Map.


From Mount Dare head north towards Old Andado, crossing the Finke River along the way. After Old Andado the track heads north then east through Mac Clark (Acacia Peuce) Conservation Reserve. 

The first of Madigan’s camps is on private land so Camp 1a was created on the main track. As you head across the desert you’ll be looking for small plaques on star pickets that were placed to show the locations of Madigan’s camps by Owen Correa Outback Expeditions in 1994. Camps 2, 3 and 4 are no longer accessible to the public, so the route bypasses these and heads directly to Camp 5, near the intersection with the Colson Track.

East of Camp 7 is where the dunes become trickier, and it’s a good idea to deflate the vehicle’s tyres even further at this point. As you head east across the northern Simpson Desert there is little to interrupt your views of the red sands. While this trek was once a purely

cross-country route between the noted GPS positions for Madigan’s camps, the track has become more defined over recent years. However, in places, particularly between camps 7 and 13, it is still often not clearly visible, especially early in the season.

The track becomes more defined as you hit the eastern end, particularly where it joins the Hay River Track (see Track 71). At Camp 15 the Hay River Track heads north to Batton Camp and Jervois Station on the Plenty Highway, and south to Camp 16. At Madigan’s Blaze Tree turn east becoming as the track becomes less well-used crossing the NT/QLD border, heading across Munga-Thirri National Park.

As the track passes Camp 19 and leaves the Park, track conditions become easier for the run southeast towards Birdsville. On the way south it passes Camp 20, Camp 21 and the ruins of Annandale Station before reaching Camp 22 – the last one that is accessible to the public.

From this point, it’s a run down Eyre Creek to the QAA Line (see Track 70) for a visit to Big Red on the way into Birdsville.


Dr Cecil Thomas Madigan led a scientific expedition across the Simpson Desert in 1939. His party of nine men and 19 camels left the remote homestead of Old Andado on June 4 and, after considerable hardship, arrived safely in Birdsville on July 6. He named the desert after Allen Simpson, who was then president of the South Australia branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. Madigan’s book, Crossing the Dead Heart, is interesting reading that can add a lot to your experience. 

In 1975, Denis Bartell began a series of more than 40 adventures that included the first vehicular crossing of the Madigan Line. Bartell was the one responsible for giving Nappanerica Dune the nickname ‘Big Red’.

Place image
4WD Difficult Public


GRADING: 4WD, Difficult.

TIME: Ten days.

DISTANCE: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

LONGEST DISTANCE WITHOUT FUEL: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

BEST TIME OF YEAR: April to October.

PERMITS AND FEES: A permit is required from the Central Land Council.

MAPS: Hema’s Great Desrt Tracks Simpson Desert Map.


From Mount Dare head north towards Old Andado, crossing the Finke River along the way. After Old Andado the track heads north then east through Mac Clark (Acacia Peuce) Conservation Reserve. 

The first of Madigan’s camps is on private land so Camp 1a was created on the main track. As you head across the desert you’ll be looking for small plaques on star pickets that were placed to show the locations of Madigan’s camps by Owen Correa Outback Expeditions in 1994. Camps 2, 3 and 4 are no longer accessible to the public, so the route bypasses these and heads directly to Camp 5, near the intersection with the Colson Track.

East of Camp 7 is where the dunes become trickier, and it’s a good idea to deflate the vehicle’s tyres even further at this point. As you head east across the northern Simpson Desert there is little to interrupt your views of the red sands. While this trek was once a purely

cross-country route between the noted GPS positions for Madigan’s camps, the track has become more defined over recent years. However, in places, particularly between camps 7 and 13, it is still often not clearly visible, especially early in the season.

The track becomes more defined as you hit the eastern end, particularly where it joins the Hay River Track (see Track 71). At Camp 15 the Hay River Track heads north to Batton Camp and Jervois Station on the Plenty Highway, and south to Camp 16. At Madigan’s Blaze Tree turn east becoming as the track becomes less well-used crossing the NT/QLD border, heading across Munga-Thirri National Park.

As the track passes Camp 19 and leaves the Park, track conditions become easier for the run southeast towards Birdsville. On the way south it passes Camp 20, Camp 21 and the ruins of Annandale Station before reaching Camp 22 – the last one that is accessible to the public.

From this point, it’s a run down Eyre Creek to the QAA Line (see Track 70) for a visit to Big Red on the way into Birdsville.


Dr Cecil Thomas Madigan led a scientific expedition across the Simpson Desert in 1939. His party of nine men and 19 camels left the remote homestead of Old Andado on June 4 and, after considerable hardship, arrived safely in Birdsville on July 6. He named the desert after Allen Simpson, who was then president of the South Australia branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. Madigan’s book, Crossing the Dead Heart, is interesting reading that can add a lot to your experience. 

In 1975, Denis Bartell began a series of more than 40 adventures that included the first vehicular crossing of the Madigan Line. Bartell was the one responsible for giving Nappanerica Dune the nickname ‘Big Red’.

Place image
4WD Difficult Public

4WD ADVENTURES TOP 100 - Track #72 - Madigan Line

TIME: Ten days.

DISTANCE: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

LONGEST DISTANCE WITHOUT FUEL: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

BEST TIME OF YEAR: April to October.

PERMITS AND FEES: A permit is required from the Central Land Council.

MAPS: Hema’s Simpso

Place image
4WD Difficult Public

4WD ADVENTURES TOP 100 - Track #72 - Madigan Line

TIME: Ten days.

DISTANCE: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

LONGEST DISTANCE WITHOUT FUEL: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

BEST TIME OF YEAR: April to October.

PERMITS AND FEES: A permit is required from the Central Land Council.

MAPS: Hema’s Simpso

Place image
4WD Difficult Public

4WD ADVENTURES TOP 100 - Track #72 - Madigan Line

TIME: Ten days.

DISTANCE: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

LONGEST DISTANCE WITHOUT FUEL: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

BEST TIME OF YEAR: April to October.

PERMITS AND FEES: A permit is required from the Central Land Council.

MAPS: Hema’s Simpso

Place image
4WD Difficult Public


GRADING: 4WD, Difficult.

TIME: Ten days.

DISTANCE: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

LONGEST DISTANCE WITHOUT FUEL: 722km, Mount Dare to Birdsville.

BEST TIME OF YEAR: April to October.

PERMITS AND FEES: A permit is required from the Central Land Council.

MAPS: Hema’s Great Desrt Tracks Simpson Desert Map.


From Mount Dare head north towards Old Andado, crossing the Finke River along the way. After Old Andado the track heads north then east through Mac Clark (Acacia Peuce) Conservation Reserve. 

The first of Madigan’s camps is on private land so Camp 1a was created on the main track. As you head across the desert you’ll be looking for small plaques on star pickets that were placed to show the locations of Madigan’s camps by Owen Correa Outback Expeditions in 1994. Camps 2, 3 and 4 are no longer accessible to the public, so the route bypasses these and heads directly to Camp 5, near the intersection with the Colson Track.

East of Camp 7 is where the dunes become trickier, and it’s a good idea to deflate the vehicle’s tyres even further at this point. As you head east across the northern Simpson Desert there is little to interrupt your views of the red sands. While this trek was once a purely

cross-country route between the noted GPS positions for Madigan’s camps, the track has become more defined over recent years. However, in places, particularly between camps 7 and 13, it is still often not clearly visible, especially early in the season.

The track becomes more defined as you hit the eastern end, particularly where it joins the Hay River Track (see Track 71). At Camp 15 the Hay River Track heads north to Batton Camp and Jervois Station on the Plenty Highway, and south to Camp 16. At Madigan’s Blaze Tree turn east becoming as the track becomes less well-used crossing the NT/QLD border, heading across Munga-Thirri National Park.

As the track passes Camp 19 and leaves the Park, track conditions become easier for the run southeast towards Birdsville. On the way south it passes Camp 20, Camp 21 and the ruins of Annandale Station before reaching Camp 22 – the last one that is accessible to the public.

From this point, it’s a run down Eyre Creek to the QAA Line (see Track 70) for a visit to Big Red on the way into Birdsville.


Dr Cecil Thomas Madigan led a scientific expedition across the Simpson Desert in 1939. His party of nine men and 19 camels left the remote homestead of Old Andado on June 4 and, after considerable hardship, arrived safely in Birdsville on July 6. He named the desert after Allen Simpson, who was then president of the South Australia branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. Madigan’s book, Crossing the Dead Heart, is interesting reading that can add a lot to your experience. 

In 1975, Denis Bartell began a series of more than 40 adventures that included the first vehicular crossing of the Madigan Line. Bartell was the one responsible for giving Nappanerica Dune the nickname ‘Big Red’.

The mission objective was simple: assemble a crew including 4WDs, campers and a caravan, and burn rubber on the way up north to the Australian camping Mecca of Cape York. Over a pint or three it was christened Race to the Cape, and the plan soon evolved into a journey of epic proportions – which is bound to happen with any idea born in a pub. The itinerary quickly became jam-packed, and the next step was to form a crack team who would be willing to belt up the Bloomfield, rev through river fords, and more importantly, drink mid-strength beer for an extended period. It was an offer hard to refuse (aside from the beer), and it didn't take long to get the right people on board. We gathered from all over the country – Melbourne, Sydney, the Blue Mountains, and the Sunshine Coast – and met at our starting point of Cairns. We stocked up on essentials (beer, snacks, and enough toilet paper to equip the MGM Grand), and enjoyed our last night in air-conditioned comfort. We set off, headed for our first stop, Cape Tribulation. Morale was high, and the countdown to the first croc and cassowary spotting had started. The next two weeks stretched out ahead of us, on a red and dusty track. Exactly what we'd encounter on our trip to 'The Tip' was unknown. One thing was for certain though – adventure was on the cards.

Day 1 – Sept 10th

• Cairns to Cape Tribulation Camping

– depart mid-morning

• Cross Daintree Ferry

- $20 per vehicle and trailer

• Approximately 150km mostly sealed roads

• Food available on the road.

Day 2 – Sept 11th

• Cape Tribulation to Elim Beach, via Bloomfield track

• Travel through Hope Vale community –

max 1x30 case of light or mid strength beer

per person OR 1x750ml wine. Spirits and full

strength beer are not permitted.

• Approximately 180km on unsealed roads

• Final chance for supplies in Cooktown

• Refuel

• Optional – arrive at camp at 1.30pm,

un-hitch the campers and head along the

beach to explore Cape Flattery sand dunes

• Breakfast available at Cape Tribulation

Day 3 – Sept 12th

• Elim Beach to Musgrave Roadhouse via

Battlecamp Road and Lakefield National Park

• 117km to old Laura

• 165km old Laura to Musgrave.

• 282km total on unsealed roads with

scattered shallow river crossings

• Old Laura Homestead is long abandoned –

supplies unavailable

• Musgrave Roadhouse has hot meals,

showers, basic supplies and fuel

Day 4 – Sept 13th

• Caravans to Weipa

• Campers to Chilli Beach via Portland Road

– Lunch at Archer River Roadhouse

• 173km unsealed roads to Archer River

• Basic supplies, food and fuel available.

Please ensure you have enough supplies for

camp cooking this evening

• 193km unsealed roads to Weipa

– bitumen close to town

• Mining town so supplies and

workshops readily available

• 143km unsealed roads to Chilli Beach

• No supplies available – camp cooking

Day 5 – Sept 14th

• Caravans to Bramwell Station via main

roads – caravan walk throughs will be filmed at

the van park in the morning

• Campers to Bramwell Station via

Frenchmans Track

• Caravans – 271km unsealed roads

• Batavia Downs Road saves approximately

100km but can be closed

• Campers – 193km via Frenchmans Track

• Lunch will be on the road, please ensure you

have enough supplies

• Hot meals and showers available at

Bramwell Station. Expect campers

to arrive after caravans.

Day 6 – Sept 15th

• Bramwell Station to Cockatoo Creek

• Caravans via Bamaga Road

• Campers via Old Telegraph Track

• Hot food and fuel available at Bramwell Junction

Caravans will travel 137km on unsealed

roads – some back tracking to reach Cockatoo

Creek down Old Telegraph Track

• Will need to cross Sailor Creek – a timber

bridge is available to cross but will require

caution and may be in disrepair. At worst, turn

around and camp back at junction between OTT

and Bamaga Road. Re-convene in morning.

• Campers – 51km on Old Telegraph Track,

with eight creek crossings to take on. Winching

will be required and going will be slow.

• No fuel/food/phone reception after Bramwell Junction

Day 7 – Sept 16th

• Head to Fruitbat Falls and Elliot Falls

• Caravans to leave vans and go in with 4WD

• Campers to continue through Old Telegraph Track – meet at Jardine River Crossing

• Caravans to return to van then head up Bamaga Road – meet at Jardine River Crossing

• Camp at Mutee Head

• Caravans – 137km unsealed roads, with one long, deep river crossing on OTT to access

Fruit Bat Falls. Caravans are routinely left at Junction

• Campers – 139km if we proceed through to Nolan’s Brook. This will be a full day, expect

late arrival into camp.

• 119km if we cut short and leave

OTT after Sam Creek

• Jardine River runs 9am – 5pm but is a very

relaxed schedule so earlier arrival is preferred

• Fees will be $129 per vehicle

Day 8 – Sept 17th

• Mutee Head to Punsand bay or Loyalty Beach

• Half day to re-stock

• Half day for filming

• 32km to Bamaga – fuel and food available.

• 10km Bamaga to Loyalty Beach

• 50km Bamaga to Punsand Bay

• Hot food available for all meals

• Fuel available in Bamaga and Seisia

Day 9 – Sept 18th

• Filming day

• Food available at Punsand Bay and Loyalty

Beach for all meals

Day 10 – Sept 19th

• Trip to the tip

• Explore the region

• 5 beaches run

• WW2 plane wrecks

• Somerset ruins

• Approximately 150km round trip

• No food or fuel available

Day 11 – Sept 20th

• Day trip to Torres Strait Islands

• Green Hill Fort

• Anti-aircraft emplacements on Horn Island

• Most northern pub in Australia

• Food available on all islands

Day 12 – Sept 21st

• Depart Punsand bay/Loyalty Beach

• Travel to Bramwell Station – approx.

240km with a ferry crossing OR

• Travel to Musgrave roadhouse – big day, approx. 580km

• Fuel and food available at:

• Bramwell Junction

• Bramwell Station

• Archer River Roadhouse

• Coen township

• Musgrave Roadhouse

Day 13 – Sept 22nd

• Bramwell to Hann River Roadhouse –

400km unsealed roads

• Musgrave to Cairns – 450km mostly

unsealed roads

• Food and fuel available at:

• Archer River Roadhouse

• Coen

• Musgrave Roadhouse

• Hann River Roadhouse

• Laura

• Lakeland

• Palmer River Roadhouse

Day 14 – Sept 23rd

• Hann River to Cairns – 400km

• Fuel and food available at:

• Laura

• Lakeland

• Palmer River Roadhouse

Long service leave 2024 trip around Australia, focusing more Northern Territory and Western Australia